Transform Your Body.

Transform Your Life.


12 Weeks. It’s Faster Than You Think.

No Pills. No Shakes. No Gimmicks.

What can you achieve?

Safe, steady progression with a holistic, global approach to your health and wellness. This goes beyond the workout and straight to the heart of your habits. At Rebirth, we get to know you — what motivates, and what inspires you. And in just 12 weeks, you will see measurable, inspiring changes in your body and your life.

What Works: Superior Coaching, Accountability and Support.

Who is this program for?

Whether you have 5lbs to lose, or 200lbs — this program is perfectly designed to meet you exactly where you are. 12 weeks is the ideal amount of time to jump-start a larger transformation.

At Rebirth we take your bio-individuality into account, and create a program that allows you to shed unneeded weight without shocking the system into fight or flight.
— Julian, Rebirth Founder

We give each client a truly custom approach to leads to lasting change

This sets the stage for sustainable weight loss that is the result of eating more nourishing foods, with workouts that are appropriate for your metabolism and fitness level.


How Does the 12 Week Transformation Work?

It's like having a personal trainer, nutritional specialist, and lifestyle coach — all in one.

We start by getting to know you. Really. Your habits, your routine, how you think about food and exercise, what motivates you, and what has inhibited your health in the past.

What's Included:

  • 7 point Functional Movement Screen to identify movement dysfunction, where aches and pains are coming from, and how to prevent further injuries.

  • Our first session, we'll get a detailed picture of your current fitness level — we'll measure your baseline so we can track your progress.

  • Then we'll set you up with a nutrition plan designed to meet your specific needs and goals. That includes sample menus, daily checklists and grocery lists.

  • You'll also receive take-home, daily postural-corrective routines, strength workouts and our fat-loss interval cardio programs.

  • We'll help you make life-long, sustainable changes and help you prepare for hard social settings so you'll never feel restricted. That's why this program works for the long-run.

  • You'll check in with your trainer nightly, emailing your nutrition for the day. This accountability is critical to changing habits, and becomes part of your 12 week routine.

Have questions about starting your 12-Week Transformation?


No Two Plans are Ever the Same.

And we actually mean that. For the next twelve weeks you'll work with us one-on-one. This level of attention keeps you accountable, committed and motivated. There are no cracks to fall through. If you want to succeed, you will. And you'll achieve results without tearing your body apart with over-ambitious, aggressive training sessions.

That's the beauty of how we work.

Sometimes your stress levels, cortisol & other hormones are off balance and what you actually need is a more mindful and gentle approach to kick your metabolism into high-gear. And other times it's time to put the pedal down and crush it.

"No pain, no gain" is a myth. Sometimes the smartest workout is less of a workout. The key is knowing what your body needs, and equipping you with the most effective tools.


Pain-free Weight Loss - Cappy

Day 1

Day 1




After I hit my early 40's I knew something had to change. I'd spent over two decades dealing with a ton of health problems related to chronic injuries to my back, hip, and spine. It had affected my quality of life for my entire adult life.

Within 6 weeks I’d lost 19.2 pounds, 2.75 inches off my waist, and 2.5% percent body fat. My biceps increased an inch, without a single curl. The unbelievable part? It was easy. And I truly mean easy.

I'm a lazy ex-chef that cooks serious food every day with a sedentary technology job. I'm not a crossfit-cycling-triathlete-gym type. I'm a lazy ex-chef that cooks serious food every day with a sedentary technology job. I'm not a crossfit-cycling-triathlete-gym type. But Julian made transforming myself enjoyable: starting with accountable nutrition that did *not* require counting calories, expensive supplements, gallons of "shakes," insane regimen, or burdening others with odd food restrictions. There were no limits to how much I could eat. No gimmicks, math, or hours of prep. In fact, I had problems eating enough because I was so full all of the time. This, from a guy that reads cookbooks at nearly every meal, every day.

Workouts were designed specifically for me, my challenges, my body, and my unique limitations. I was never sore. Tired? You bet. But never sore. I'm sure everyone's gone to the gym and worked out with that "jacked" friend or aggressive trainer and then couldn't move for a week. I used to absolutely dread going to past trainers. Always too much, too soon, with little thought or direction on proper form. Not so at Rebirth. Form is everything. At first I was frustrated at how light the workouts seemed. "It can't be this easy, he's just pitying me," I kept thinking. I kept waiting for the "MAX REPS, BRO!!" approach that simply never came. I just enjoyed (really) workouts designed around what my body could do, without any judgement, and no aggressive pushing. It's incredible and my beat-up old body changed very rapidly because of it. Much more rapidly than I ever expected, in fact.




Results & Connection Ahead!

What You'll Get:

  • Personal attention to your exact physiological & lifestyle needs

  • Weekly check-ins to keep you accountable

  • Personal data to measure your progress!

  • Shopping lists & recipes to simplify your weekly grocery shopping

  • Personal Training that's customized, effective and intelligent

  • Home workouts — because sometimes you can't get to the gym

  • Daily checklists to help keep you focused, and on track

What Should You Expect?

First of all, transformation doesn't come easy, but don't confuse transformation with torture. The body responds faster to smart, gradual changes.


Personal Evolution Should be Fun. (Or why bother?)

12 weeks is the ideal amount of time to get some serious, measurable results. While no two people lose weight at the same rate, for our clients looking to lose weight, they typically drop between 8-21 pounds in their first month. In 12 weeks, you'll see bigger, even more remarkable changes. Most clients lose between 20-30lbs. We'll be able to outline your personal goals during your orientation session.

Success rates are so high because we provide personalized exercise routines, customized nutrition, and unlimited accountability and support making this the most comprehensive program in the area.


Jon Changed his Life. Radically.


"Julian met me where I was at, coaching me with nutrition, physical exercise and encouragement. He was supportive, encouraging and, most importantly to me at that time, non-judgmental."

Jon, Rebirth Client


Who is this program designed for?

Are you ready to make smart, realistic and super-effective changes that will completely re-calibrate your metabolism? Are you ready to let go of the extra weight you've been carrying? Are you at a place in your life where you are willing to ask for, and receive, expert help in a supportive community? Then it's time to get started.

By the way,

Your 12 Weeks Will Fly!

It's the perfect amount of time for you to establish life-long healthy, sustainable habits.

At Rebirth we offer an effective, smart alternative to achieve your healthiest, most vibrant life possible — and it all start in just 12 weeks.


We know losing weight can be difficult. Particularly when your weight has significantly fluctuated in the past.

But you CAN do this!

We take in the whole picture, not just part.

We offer superior attention to detail. When it comes to your health, we look at everything, not just the burn. Your hormones, food sensitivities and unique chemsitry all contribute to your current weight, and vitality. It is important to have a global view of the body, so we can bring more balance, wellness and lasting results into your life.

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Getting Started

With your 12 Week Transformation, you'll leave with valuable, practical tools to intelligently navigate your weight loss journey and a healthy weight-maintenance for the rest of your life.