Your Unique Physiology


Food Sensitivity Testing in Wakefield

Know Your Numbers


Understanding what makes each of our clients unique is what makes Rebirth the most holistic, and informed in the industry.

It's in the details. We pay attention to variables that contribute to you current weight that others ignore. We check for food sensitivities that contribute to inflamation, we test for hormone imbalances, we even monitor your intensity during your workouts.

data is key

The MYZONE monitor you can opt to use at Rebirth will help you learn to workout smarter. If you are already in cortisol and stress related over-drive, burning yourself out during a training session might set you back, making weight loss more difficult. This is why knowing your numbers matters.


Delayed Food Sensitivities Affect Everything

Just because a food is healthy, doesn't mean it is good for YOU.

Everything you eat contributes to chemical responses, some of which can lead to inflammation, digestive distress, mood swings, weight gain and a cascade of other side effects. As an integrative fitness studio, we take a holistic approach to your well being, and that starts with a complete picture of your health.


Learn what foods work best for YOUR body

  • "Healthy" doesn't mean you should eat it every day

  • Inflammation leads to a halt in weight loss

  • A custom rotating diet allows you to eat the foods you love


What's the test like?

The test will identify delayed food intolerances that cause inflammation (not acute allergies like peanuts or shellfish). It is a simple finger-prick blood test that we take in our office and send to the lab. Once we get your full panel of results back, we will craft you a custom elimination diet so you can begin to eat the foods that truly agree with you, and support your ultimate health goals whether that be weight loss, or simply feeling your best.

We have partnered with Greenwich DX Sports Labs to offer IgG4 delayed food sensitivity testing. These are the delayed food allergies that take hours (even days) to present as inflammation. If you are eating foods that cause a delayed reaction, it can cause a host of issues including digestion, weight gain, muscle & joint aches, and autoimmune issues.

The test comes with:

  • Full report of delayed food sensitivities

  • Personalized nutrition plan

  • 60 minute nutritional consultation


Food sensitivities matter.

Sample test:


By the way,

Custom Programs Matter

Testing supports our mission to provide you the best in individualized attention.

Metrics provide our trainers with a real time picture of your workout. Here at Rebirth, we offer an effective, smart alternative to achieve your healthiest, most vibrant life possible.


The Intensity of Your Workout Matters.

Harder, faster, stronger? Not always. Sometimes the fastest way to see results is to slow it down. We work smarter, not harder. That's why we've teamed up with MYZONE to provide you with the opportunity to measure your workouts. You and your trainer will be able to see your heart rate, intensity and calorie burn during the course of your sessions at Rebirth. You can also buy your own MYZONE band and wear it for you home workouts getting even more valuable, MOTIVATING data.


Measure your movement and increase your motivation at Rebirth!


We know losing weight can be difficult. Particularly when your weight has significantly fluctuated in the past.

But you CAN do this!

You're not alone. We've helped people release uneeded weight, even chronic yoyo dieters. Meet Anna:



Found Her Nutrition Solution


"After losing over 30 pounds with Julian at Rebirth Body Transformation Center, my weight loss had stopped. I was exercising and eating healthy, so we knew something was not right. I wanted to get a better idea what was going on internally seeing that I was doing everything right. Julian suggested I do the food sensitivity test and wow am I glad that I did!

The foods that I was eating were entirely wrong for my body at this moment. The foods I was eating the most, eggs, avocados, almonds, and some dairy were causing havoc in my body. Julian was then able to make me a food rotation diet to help make sure that this doesn't happen with other foods. 3 weeks later and I'm down 9 pounds without changing anything else but these foods. This was one of the best decisions that I have made since coming to Rebirth Body Transformation Center!"

We take in the whole picture, not just part

We offer superior attention to detail. When it comes to your health, we look at everything, not just the burn. Your hormones, food sensitivities and unique chemistry all contribute to your current weight, and vitality. It is important to have a global view of the body, so we can bring more balance, wellness and lasting results into your life.


Getting Started

Whether you begin with a single class, or a comprehensive food sensitivity test and nutrition consultation, you'll leave with valuable, practicle tools to intelligently navigate your weight loss journey.

Understand Your Unique Chemistry

Let us know how we can help you get to your healthiest weight.